About Me

My full name is Nyger Kyle Magee, most people call me Kyle. I was born in a rural, swampy town that has nothing to do with startup culture or computers. Suffice to say I’m from another planet. I moved to Long Beach at an early age and now study Computer Science at Long Beach City College. I intend on transferring to Cal State Long Beach in the Fall of 2018.

Growing up I had little knowledge of the world beyond my neighborhood but computers helped expand my horizons. My computer was my tool for expression, communication and entertainment. I would create drawings (Illustrator), animations (Blender), videos (Sony Vegas) and music (Ableton) with my PC. During high school I had a vague awareness of html code and tried web tutorials like codecademy but was bored by the curriculum.

After high school I took a gap year. During this time I bought an Arduino Starter Kit and fell in love. I had something tangible that I could play with plus the code behind it was deeper than h1 tags. I then got the desire to learn more about programming. Thus my discovery of Python.

I enrolled in LBCC’s CS program in the Summer of 2016. By that time I had written programs using the skills that I self taught. This website is a repository for those projects and those that came after.

Nice to meet you,
